Venezia 72, i beauty look del red carpet inaugurale

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02:  Elisa Sednaoui attends the opening ceremony and premiere of 'Everest' during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Elisa Sednaoui attends the opening ceremony and premiere of ‘Everest’ during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

Si alza il sipario sulla 72esima Mostra del Cinema di Venezia, la più importante kermesse cinematografica italiana che dal 2 al 12 settembre vedrà sfilare divi e attori, starlette e presenzialisti di ogni genere. Scopriamo che cosa ha riservato il red carpet d’apertura di Everest.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 01:  Festival hostess Elisa Sednaoui attends a photocall during the 72nd Venice Film Festival at  on September 1, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 01: Festival hostess Elisa Sednaoui attends a photocall during the 72nd Venice Film Festival at on September 1, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

La madrina Elisa Sedanoui era arrivata al Lido di Trussardi vestita (in color ruggine). Per il classico photocall a piedi nudi aveva sfoggiato un impalpabile Alberta Ferretti nero e gioielli Buccellati. Per il red carpet inaugurale ha scelto un riconoscibilissimo abito di Giorgio Armani Privè, maxi collier Buccellati e capelli sciolti un po’ ondulati.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 01:  Festival hostess Elisa Sednaoui attends a photocall during the 72nd Venice Film Festival at  on September 1, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 01: Festival hostess Elisa Sednaoui attends a photocall during the 72nd Venice Film Festival at on September 1, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

Il make up, sempre molto naturale, si illumina di un tocco shimmer sulle palpebre e di una riga di matita nera sulla parte inferiore dell’occhio.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02:  Paz Vega attends the opening ceremony and premiere of 'Everest' during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Paz Vega attends the opening ceremony and premiere of ‘Everest’ during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)

Paz Verga: il taglio corto nero e sbarazzino con frangia lunga dona moltissimo all’attrice spagnola, al festival in qualità di giurata.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02:  Jury member Paz Vega attends the Orizzonti Jury Photocall during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Jury member Paz Vega attends the Orizzonti Jury Photocall during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

Il fisico spettacolare poi le consente di indossare praticamente qualsiasi cosa, dall’intramontabile tubino nero con occhiali da diva dell’arrivo all’abito in stampa seventies con maxi fiori e plateau neri del photocall fino al sensualissimo abito lungo con scollatura all’americana di Ralph&Russo del red carpet d’apertura. Il make up è ultra classico: rossetto rosso e tanto mascara.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02: Maria Grazia Cucinotta attends the opening ceremony and premiere of 'Everest' during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Tristan Fewings/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Maria Grazia Cucinotta attends the opening ceremony and premiere of ‘Everest’ during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Tristan Fewings/Getty Images)

Rossetto rosso e focus sugli occhi anche per Maria Grazia Cucinotta con generosa scollatura d’ordinanza.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02:  Diane Kruger attends the opening ceremony and premiere of 'Everest' during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Diane Kruger attends the opening ceremony and premiere of ‘Everest’ during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

Diane Kruger: la testimonial Chanel (una delle numerose testimonial della maison francese) sceglie bianco Prada strutturato per il red carpet d’apertura. Capelli raccolti e make up quasi invisibile dimostrano che Diane Kruger sa scegliere perfettamente il beauty look da red carpet.

Jury member Diane Kruger, detail, attends the Venezia 72 Jury Photocall during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
Jury member Diane Kruger, detail, attends the Venezia 72 Jury Photocall during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

Perfetta all’arrivo al Lido in svolazzante abito bianco e nero con cappello e capelli sciolti, l’attrice tedesca ha scelto un minidress con fiori per il photocall non adattissimo agli stivaletti bassi.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02:  Elizabeth Banks and Diane Kruger attend the opening ceremony and premiere of 'Everest' during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Elizabeth Banks and Diane Kruger attend the opening ceremony and premiere of ‘Everest’ during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

Elizabeth Banks: di Dolce&Gabbana vestita la giurata sfoggia un minidress a fiori abbinato ai bellissimi sandali di Stuart Weitzman e capelli biondi con le onde in occasione del photocall. Capelli raccolti in chignon morbido, eyeliner, rossetto rosso e sorriso smagliante da americana perfetta per il red carpet inaugurale quando sceglie ancora un Dolce&Gabbana con mega scollatura sulla schiena e pietre incastonate.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02:  Alessandra Ambrosio attends the opening ceremony and premiere of 'Everest' during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Alessandra Ambrosio attends the opening ceremony and premiere of ‘Everest’ during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

Se Cannes è la patria delle modelle, anche a Venezia le top non mancano: spicca Alessandra Ambrosio con un semiraccolto casual che sfoggia un abito bianco di Philosophy, un mix di lingerie e spacchi che le donano un’allure sensuale, ma che indossata da un’altra sarebbe stato un disastro. Per la modella brasiliana rossetto nude, blush rosato sugli zigomi e ombretto malva ad illuminare l’arcata sopracciliare. Discreto, ma d’effetto l’eyeliner effetto cat eye.

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02:  Clotilde Courau attends the opening ceremony and premiere of 'Everest' during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Tristan Fewings/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Clotilde Courau attends the opening ceremony and premiere of ‘Everest’ during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Tristan Fewings/Getty Images)

Impossibile sbagliare quando si sceglie Alberta Ferretti: in total black look, Clotilde Coureau sfoggia un abito strutturato con scollatura quadrata, maxi collier.  La riga laterale e le morbide onde  sono perfette con lo smokey eyes.


VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 02:  Domenico Procacci and Kasia Smutniak attend the opening dinner during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy.  (Photo by Tristan Fewings/Getty Images)
VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Domenico Procacci and Kasia Smutniak attend the opening dinner during the 72nd Venice Film Festival on September 2, 2015 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Tristan Fewings/Getty Images)

Capelli raccolti con riga in mezzo (una delle sua acconciatura preferite) e maxi orecchini per la ex madrina del festival Kasia Smutniak inguainata in un discutibile abito con le balze.

Beato fra le donne Jake Gyllenhall star di Everest che ha inaugurato il festival: molto affascinante con capelli indietro e barba d’ordinanza. 


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